Studio Gate This is the entrance to your Hollywood movie studio. Within these walls you turn ideas into motion pictures released around the world.
In Hollywood Mogul a <001> is one month. Within that <001> you may do as much work as you wish, buying <007>, hiring talent, etc. To do this work you must be in your office, so if you want to work select |Go Into The Office|.
Select |Change The Game Configuration| if you want to change any of the text display and/or menu colors used in the game.
When you have completed all the work you want to do this <001>, select |Call It A Day| and Hollywood Mogul will move you to the next month of play.
The available funds in your <144>, your studio name, and the current <001> month are always displayed in the title bar.
Good luck moguls... Project File This is the studio record of this motion picture project. You may change the title of this movie any time prior to <103>.
The Status (line four from the top), tells you what you must do in order to move this project forward toward <103> in theaters around the world.
This project's |CURRENT STATUS| is:
Development Department This is where the <025> is developed. The better the <175> on the <025>, the better caliber <075> will want to be involved. The <175> is decided by the <028>.
Once the <100> is complete, any changes made here will require a <089> or a <090>.
This is the <031> and <032> (if any) of the <025>.
|Screenplay ... |
This is the <175> of the current screenplay. It may or may not be improved by a <052>.
The next line tells you the <007> of the screenplay as well as the cost of obtaining that material.
|Writer(s): ... |
This is the number of <205> that have worked on the various <206>.
|Current Screenwriter|
Below this line is the name of the current <027> and the salary that he or she was paid.
|Screenwriter's Name|
Select this to authorize a <052>. If the name displayed is "Original Screenwriter", then the <007> is an <088>.
If |"Writer Required"| is displayed here, you must <115> a <027> or <087> in order to move this project forward to completion.
Cameo Roles These are <030> that the studio enhances by hiring big-name talent, to give the movie some Wow. Genre The <031> is the category the story falls into. The <032> is an additional genre choice that accents the main genre.
In Hollywood Mogul, you may choose a <031> from the following list: <031>: <033>, <034>, <035>, <036>, <037>, <038>, <040>, <041>, <042>, <043>, <044>, <045>, <046>, and <047>.
You may also choose a <032> from the following list: <033>, <037>, <048>, <049>, <050>, and <051>.
Please note that a <032> is not required.
|Changing The Genre|
Changing the <031> will require a screenplay <052> if the <025> is already complete. This may effect the <053> of the movie. Minor Roles A small speaking role.
|Changing The Minor Roles|
Changing the <030> will require a screenplay <052> if the <025> is already complete. This may effect the <053> of the movie.
If you do not want to make a change, select the choice that is already <055>. Screenplay Tone The overall attributes of the motion picture. There are four parts to the screenplay tone, the amount of <056> and <057>, the type of <058>, and the number of <059>.
|Changing The Screenplay Tone Attributes|
Changing any of the tone attributes may require a <052> and may effect the movie's <053>.
If you do not want to make a change, select Exit at the top of the menu.
|If you have already made a change| and wish to change it back so you do not incur a <052>, re-select the tone attributes as they appear on the |Screenplay| menu to the left. Starring Roles These are generally the <054> and the <060>, but can be the <054> and the <061>, or just the <054>.
If you select |1 Actor, 1 Actress| you are telling Hollywood Mogul that the <054> is an actor, and the actress is either the <060> or the <061>.
|Changing The Starring Roles|
Select the type of roles you want. This may require a <052> and may also effect the <053>.
If you do not want to make a change, reselect the line that is already <055>. Supporting Roles These are generally the <062> and <063> that support the <054>.
If you select |1 Actor, 1 Actress| you are telling Hollywood Mogul that the <054> is an actor, and the actress is either the <060> or the <061>.
|Changing The Starring Roles|
Select the type of roles you want. This may require a <052> and may also effect the <053>.
If you do not want to make a change, reselect the line that is already <055>. Extras - Long Term The number of non-speaking performers who will appear in <065> backgrounds during the entire <064>.
Press the Left Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the number by 1 unit.
Press the Right Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the number by 10 units.
When you are done, Click the mouse on the X. Extras - Short Term The number of non-speaking performers who will only be on the <066> a limited number of days (allowing you to have a "cast of thousands".
Press the Left Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the number by 1 unit.
Press the Right Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the number by 10 units.
When you are done, Click on the X. Short Term Extras - Number Of Days The number of days the Short Term Extras will be on the <066>.
Press the Left Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the number by 1 unit.
Press the Right Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the number by 10 units.
When you are done, Click the X. Production Department Here in the Production Department, you determine the various budgets that effect the "look" of the film.
Select this to choose the location for filming the <072>.
Select this to choose the location for filming the <073>.
|Physical Costs|
Select this to set the <014> budget.
|Pyro-Technic Effects|
Select this to set the <015> effects budget.
Select this to set the <016> budget.
Select this to set the <017> budget.
The |Production Total| is the total amount of money being spent on the <066> during filming.
These are <021>, they are added to the film after <019> is complete.
|Industry Standard|
Select this to budget the <067>.
Select this to set the <068>.
Select this to set the <069>.
The |Effects Total| is the total amount of <021>.
This is the <023> that occur during <167>.
The last line is the <024>.
Special Effects Budgeting There are three types of <021>: <067>, <068>, and <069>.
Some movies don't need special effects (a <037>, for instance). Some movies suffer terribly with little or not special effects (an <035>, for example). And some movies cry out for alot of special effects ( <039> for example).
Press the Left Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the number by 1 unit.
Press the Right Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the number by 10 units.
When you are done, Click the mouse on the X.
Shoot Location - Exterior Select the location for filming the outdoor scenes.
If you select something from the |Studio Backlot| it will help keep the <014> of production down, because the production does not have to travel.
If you select a city from |On Location| you can keep costs down because these are accepted "movie-making" cities that are set up for filmmaking.
If you select |Choose City| you can select anywhere you want to film on earth. This can get expensive as you move the production around the world, including the continent and the terrain. Shoot Location - Interiors Select the location where the indoor scenes will be filmed.
You may select any <070> that is available at the studio.
If you are filming <072> <071>, you may also choose to shoot the <073> there as well. Shoot Location - City Name Type in the city where the <074> filming will take place.
When you are done, press Enter. Physical Costs These are the costs required to actually make the movie, it includes the film, the cost of the crew, the cost of <013>, etc, anything that is not <075>.
Some production budgets have a <076> because of the <074>.
Press the Left Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the amount by 1 unit.
Press the Right Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the amount by 10 units.
When you are done, Click the mouse on the X. Pyro-Technic Effects Explosions.
These are effects that are "filmed" (as opposed to <021>).
Press the Left Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the amount by 1 unit.
Press the Right Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the amount by 10 units.
When you are done, Click the mouse on the X. Stunts Dangerous, life-threatening actions performed generally by a Stuntperson, but also by the actors themselves.
Press the Left Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the amount by 1 unit.
Press the Right Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the amount by 10 units.
When you are done, Click the mouse on the X. On-Set Robotic Effects These are robotic effects that are "filmed" (as opposed to <021>). They would include a mechanical gorilla suit, a doll that comes alive, etc.
Press the Left Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the amount by 1 unit.
Press the Right Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the amount by 10 units.
When you are done, Click the mouse on the X. Shoot Location - Location Type You may shoot your movie in a variety of cities and terrains.
Shooting <071> in a specified location type will create a <076>. The farther you go down the list, the more expensive that budget will be. Shoot Location - Continent You may select any continent on which to shoot your movie.
Filming on a continent other than North America may significantly increase a production's <076>.
The farther you go down the list, the more expensive it is to film because the cast and crew must be moved there for the duration of the <064>. Set Contruction Select the type of <013> for the production.
The more elaborate the <013>, the more significant the impact on the <076>.
Some productions call for a more elaborate <066> ( <039>, for example). Televison Advertising Budget Select the amount of money you want the marketing department to spend on TV advertising.
Press the Left Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the amount by 1 unit.
Press the Right Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the amount by 10 units.
When you are done, Click the mouse on the X. Print Advertising Budget Select the amount of money you want the marketing department to spend advertising this movie in the various print mediums. These include, newspapers, magazines, etc.
Press the Left Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the amount by 1 unit.
Press the Right Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease the amount by 10 units.
When you are done, Click the mouse on the X. Radio Advertising Budget Select the amount of money you want the marketing department to spend advertising this movie on the various radio markets around the country.
Press the Left Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the amount by 1 unit.
Press the Right Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the amount by 10 units.
When you are done, Click the mouse on the X. Theaters For Domestic Release People who own movie theaters are in the candy business. Half of every dollar that you pay at the box office is returned to the studio as <079>. But the theater owners keep all of the money from the concession counter. So they want big movies playing so they can sell lots of popcorn. As a result, it's often hard to get a small movie into alot of theaters.
Select the number of theaters you want the movie to be available in on its <053>.
Each theater requires a <077>, and each costs $5,000 which gives you a <078>. Obviously, the more theaters you are in, the more exensive it is.
On the other hand, the studio makes its <079> from theatrical distribution.
Select |L.A. & N.Y. Only| if you want to <080> a movie small and let it expand into more theaters by word of mouth (this is handled internally). Marketing Department This is where you determine the production's marketing budget, which is the amount of money spent to put the movie into theaters (the <078>) and the amount of money spent to advertise the movie.
This Prints & Advertising expense is more often referred to as P & A. Release Scheduling Here you make decisions that effect the <053> of your current project.
|Release Date|
Select this to set the <053>.
This is a history of the project by month and year.
This is the current start month and year and end month and year for <081> (based on the Production Budgeting). Once <081> has started, you can select this to authorize <189> to speed up the process if you want an earlier <053> than is normally scheduled.
This is the start month and year and end month and year for <019>. No <189> can be authorized to hurry <019>.
This is the current start month and year and end month and year for <020> (based on the Production Budgeting). Once <020> has started, you can select this to authorize <189> to speed up the process if you want an earlier <053> than is normally scheduled.
|Final Cut|
The studio has <204> unless you give that authority to a <075> when you <169>.
Release Date This is the month and year the movie will be released in theaters around the world.
Based on the <081> budget, the <019> budget, and the <020> budget, Hollywood Mogul calculates the |Earliest Release Date|.
If you select a |Release Year|, Hollywood Mogul will ensure that you cannot select a |Release Month| prior to the earliest <053>.
The time of year a movie is released is important. For instance, you do not want to <080> a $100,000,000 <035> in February, a month not known for huge box office grosses. A movie like that probably should be saved for the lucrative summer market.
By the same token, you may not want to <080> a small, intimate <037> in the middle of summer.
On the other hand, breaking the rules is sometimes fun.
Production delays may cause the <053> to be canceled, if that happens, Hollywood Mogul will notify you with a memo. Final Approval - Green Light This Movie The studio executives have decided that the <082> phase of this project is complete.
If you agree with them, and do not want to authorize any further <052> on the <025>, then you should select |Green Light This Movie|.
If this is a <083> movie, it will move into <081> in the next <001>. Studio Funds This display lists the studios assets.
|Studio Value|
The studio, as a piece of real estate, has a value of five billion dollars ($5,000,000,000).
|Available Cash|
The studio begins each new game with one billion dollars ($1,000,000,000) in the <144>. The current amount it has in its account is always displayed in the Title Bar of the Hollywood Mogul, to the left of your studio name.
|Maximum Loan Amount|
This is the Studio Value less any outstanding <002>.
|Monthly Interest|
This is the <003> expense that must be paid at the beginning of each month.
|Get Loan|
Select this if you wish to borrow against the value of the studio.
|Repay Loan|
Select this to repay a previous loan.
Change The Storyline Type in the new <009> and press Enter.
If you are developing a <084> or <085>, it can be dangerous to change the <009> too much, as the public already knows the story.
The movie section of your local TV listings is a good example of how to write a <009>. Change The Title Type in the new title of this movie, and press Enter. Edit Film Rating Hollywood Mogul automatically rates a completed motion picture. However, you have the option of "re-editing" the movie to ensure another rating.
Remember that limiting who can go to the theater to watch a movie may or may not effect the <086>.
|Changing A Film's Rating|
To change the film's rating, select the new rating. If you do not want to change the film's rating, select Exit at the top of the menu.
Record 38, Continue |Screenplay Rewrite|
Select this type of writing if you are trying to improve many of the attributes at one time, or trying to greatly improve them. This type of writing generally takes at least two months to complete.
|Screenplay Polish|
Select this type of writing when you are putting the finishing touches on a <025>, just trying to improve one or two attributes just a little more. Type Of Writing A <025> has attributes which are rated to reflect its ability to tell a story. The attributes of a <025> are: <092>, <093>, <094>, <095>, <096>, <097>, <098>, and <099>.
There are four types of writing supported in Hollywood Mogul:
|First Draft Screenplay|
When you purchase a <084> or <085>, or when you come up with <091>, or if you decide to develop a <008>, no <025> exists, so one must be written. This is the first time that attributes can be rated.
When you purchase an <088>, that is the <100>, and its attributes will already be rated. If you want to improve on those ratings, you can authorize a <052> by hiring a <027> or <087>.
|Page 1 Rewrite|
Basically, you like the title. Everything else is awful. So rather than try to improve the <025> one <052> at a time, this allows you to start all over. This type of writing is a complete overhaul and generally takes at least four months to complete.
Comparing Screenplay Versions On the left side of the screen is the current <101> of the <025>.
On the right side of the screen is the version of the <025> that you selected to compare it to. The differences in the two version are indicated on this menu, displayed in a different color.
At the bottom of the menu on the right, you may select |Use As Production Version| if you want to use this older version as your <101>. Screenplay Attributes (And Versions) This is a display of the <102> for the <101> of the <025>.
If at least one type of <052> has been completed, the bottom of the menu will list the different versions. To compare any version to the current <101> version, select it.
In Hollywood Mogul, you may <052> a screenplay as many as nineteen times. Overtime Sometimes, the studio wants to <103> a movie at a certain time of year (like the lucrative summer market, for example). Sometimes that's not possible because of the <104> on a large budget movie.
At times like these the studio can consider paying overtime to its employees in an effort to speed up the time to <103> the movie.
This menu displays the number of months that you can shorten the <104>, the cost of authorizing the overtime to accomplish it.
Please note that only <081> and <020> can have overtime authorizations, <019> can never be hurried.
Also, authorizing overtime is no guarantee that everything will go smoothly. People who are rushed often make mistakes. Increase-In-Costs This display lists all (if any) of the reasons that additional costs have been added to the original <014> budget. Merchandising & Licensing Department The studio's Merchandising and Licensing Department automatically contacts the different manufacturers and retailers around the world in an effort to promote this studio project.
Their success is based on the <031>, the <014> budget, and the <105>.
Merchandising and Licensing creates revenue of which the studio's share is 10%.
There are times when the <014> budget of a particular project seem too daring to risk alone. In cases like these, the studio may decide to take on a partner, another studio that will provide 50% of the <106>.
|Domestic Theatrical Distribution Rights|
If you select this choice, you make a contract with another movie studio to provide 50% of the <106>, and in return they keep the <079> of the <107>.
|Foreign Theatrical Distribution Rights|
If you select this choice, you make a contract with another movie studio to provide 50% of the <106>, and in return they keep the <079> of the <108>.
Prints & Advertising - World Premiere This display reminds you of the money that has been spent on marketing this motion picture around the world.
It lists the number of theaters the movie involved in the <103>, as well as the <078> for putting a <077> into each of those theaters.
The display also lists the <109> amount, the <110> amount, and the <111> amount that has been spent in an effort to create a substantial <107>.
Hollywood Mogul automatically handles the foreign <112>. And the display reflects the amount of money spent to advertise and promote this movie overseas.
The very last line is the <113> is displayed at the bottom of the menu.
To continue on to the world premiere of your new motion picture, select Exit at the top of the menu. Hiring Creative Talent You cannot make a motion picture without <075>.
|Talent To Hire|
This section of the display lists the <026>, the types of <075> the studio must <115> (including the <030>).
Before a <105> is <118>, this section reflects the type of <105> that is needed (for example, <117>).
After a <105> is <118>, this section will list their name.
|Talent List|
This section of the display lists all of the available <105> for the type of <105> previously selected in the |Talent To Hire| section. The name of each <105> is listed, along with their normal <171> and the number of <172> they usually receive.
If you are interested in a particular talent, select their name from this list.
|Worldwide Talent Search|
Select this if you want to add a new <075> to this game of Hollywood Mogul (there is no limit to the number of new talent that can be added, however only 200 of each <075> are available, the rest "die".)
Hire Minor Roles The top of the display lists the number of <030> required for this project.
If you have selected any <119>, these will be reflected here.
|Hiring Minor Roles|
Select the role at the top of the display, and then select the type of talent to hire at the bottom of the screen.
Each type of talent available for hire has a salary expense associated with it. This will become part of your <120>.
When you are done, select |Exit| to continue. Project List This display lists all of the projects the studio currently has in the various phases of development and production for its Motion Picture Division (as new games are added to the series, you will have access to the projects from each division).
In the middle of the display is the actual Project List. In it, you will see each project the studio has not yet <136>. The list displays the Title of the project, the <031> and <032>, and the <053> (if any).
Note that the |STATUS| line displays the <006> for the currently selected project.
|Open Selected Project File|
Select this to open the <179> of the currently selected list title.
|Add A New Project|
Select one of the <007> types you would like to add as a new project.
Select |Scripts, Novels, Stage Plays| to get access to the this month's <088>, <084>, and <085> list.
Select |My Own Idea| to develop <091>.
Select <008> to develop a previously released movie, if your studio has any.
Record 50, Continued Remember, you do not pay <135> until <019> begins. |EXCEPTION:| If an <131> or <132> has a <134> contract they must be paid.
|Creating A New Director or Producer|
Each new <117> and <133> you create has <123> that consist of the following: <128>, <129>, <130>, and <127>.
When you select |Exit| at the top of this menu, this new <105> is automatically <118> to this project. If you do not want to keep them under contract, simply re-hire someone else.
Remember, you do not pay <135> until <019> begins. |EXCEPTION:| If an <131> or <132> has a <134> contract they must be paid.
|Creating A New Screenwriter|
New writers are handled differently than the other <075> in Hollywood Mogul.
Each new <027> you create is randomly rated on their ability to write effectively on any three of these <102>: <092>, <093>, <094>, <095>, <096>, <097>, <098>, and <099>.
In additioon, every new <027> is rated on their ability to effectly write a <090>.
Because a <027> is paid immediately upon being <116>, Hire A Writer This project already has a completed <100>. So you may now <115> someone in an effort to improve the <102> and thereby improve the overall <025>.
|Writer To Hire|
Select either a <027> or a <087> (they can be very expensive). Depending on your selection, the names of all available <205> of that type will fill the Writer List on the right side of the screen.
Hire New Creative Talent You have created a new talent, which you hire immediately and add to the <121> by selecting |Exit|.
Before you add this new addition you can select their name, age, or bio if you want to make any last minute changes, or if you misspelled something.
When this new talent was "created", a <122> was generated at random and is displayed on the menu. In addition, <123> have been randomly generated for this new <105> as well, and are also displayed. These cannot be changed.
|Creating A New Actor|
Each new <131> and <132> you create has <123> that consist of the following: <124>, <125>, <126>, and <127>.
When you select |Exit| at the top of this menu, this new <105> is automatically <118> to this project. If you do not want to keep them under contract, simply re-hire someone else.
Award Consideration If you have <136> at least one movie in the previous year, you are eligible to submit for award consideration the names of the <075> and/or the title of the film itself, for each movie you have <136>.
|Selecting A Movie For Award Consideration|
A list of all the movies your studio <136> in the previous year is displayed at the top of the menu. To select a movie (if there is more than one), simply click on its title.
|Selecting A Name Or Title For Consideration|
To select an individual name select that item on the menu and it will become <055>. To de-select a name, simply click on it again.
Beside each name is the rating of the performance given, which might help you decide who deserves consideration and who does not.
You may select as many or as few <075> names and movie titles as you <136> in the previous year. Award Nominations The motion picture governing body has determined the nominees for awards among all movies that were <136> in the previous year.
Each category is listed at the top of the menu, at the bottom of the menu lists the five nominees in that category. Select any |category| to see the nominees listed.
If a nominee is from a movie your studio <136>, it will be <055> on the menu.
Hollywood Mogul only lists the Movie Titles and <075> names for movies <136> by your studio (otherwise every <075> would eventually have at least one award!!).
When you are done, select |Exit| to continue. Final Breakdown In real life a movie that is <136> may stay in theaters for a week, or a month, or three months. Then, after a year it will come out on video cassette.
In Hollywood Mogul everything happens at once. So your movie has already been in and out of theaters, it's already been released on cable television and video cassette. All the <180> is complete.
All that's left to do is a final breakdown. One final look at all the numbers to determine if the studio had a <181> or a <182>.
|Final Breakdown|
The title of the movie is at the top of the screen. On the left hand edge is |PRINT|. Select this if you want to print out this information (turn your printer on, please). On the right hand edge is |Exit| which you select when you have finished looking over the final breakdown.
The screen is broken into two sections. On the left is revenue, on the right expenses.
|Domestic Revenue|
You will notice there are three columns in the The Studio Departments This is a list of all the departments of your Hollywood movie studio.
At the bottom of the display the |Studio Annual Budget| is the yearly expense that the studio must pay to stay in business.
You may access each individual department by selecting any line. A Studio Department Each department has a Department Head who manages all the employees of the department. The top portion of the display lists the management and their salaries (and total benefits).
The Staff portion of the display lists the total number of employees within the department, their average salary, and the total employee salary.
In addition, each department has an Annual Maintenance Expense, which is the cost of keeping it in pencils and paper, and special effects machines.
The last line of the display is the Annual Budget for this department. When added together, all of the department annual budgets equal the Studio Annual Budget. Budget Decision Because of a problem, the original budget is being increased. As Head of the Studio, only you can authorize a budget increase.
If you do not want to authorize the increase, you may refuse.
|NOTE:| Remember that any <105> with a <134> contract must be paid anyway.
|Kill This Project|
If you are already into the phases of production and you do not want to authorize a budget increase you can simply pull the plug and the project will disappear from your project list.
All of the money you have invested in the film will be lost. Final Contract Meeting As the Head Of The Studio you wield a tremendous amount of power over other people's lives.
Enjoy it. Previously Released Motion Pictures This is a list of all of the movies the studio has <136> in the current game.
Select a title from the list, and information about the <103> displays below. You can see the <107> as well as the <141>, and a list of the participating <105> and their respective salaries.
If you like what you see and you want to develop this <140>, then select |Develop As Sequel| at the bottom of the menu.
If you do not like anything you see, select |Exit| from the top of the menu to continue. Top 10 Movies Of All-Time Their are three categories, <107>, <108>, and <141>.
This list is based on every movie that has ever been released by anyone playing Hollywood Mogul on your computer.
To view more information about a movie on the list, simply select it.
When you are done, select |Exit| to continue. Hollywood Mogul Game Level Select the level at which you'd like to play.
There are five levels, each with a different <142>. The higher the annual budget, the more money that must be paid each month to keep the studio running. New Month Hollywood Mogul is played in a <001> that consists of one month each. You have finished all of the work you can or want to do in the previous month, and are now moving forward to the next month.
If there is an outstanding <002> it is listed here, as well as the monthly <003>. In addition, the <142> is displayed (which is dependent on the game level selected in the game configuration at the beginning of a new game) as well as this month's <143>.
At the bottom is the total amount of money that has been deducted from the <144> this month.
Select |Exit| to continue. Photograph Display This image is the image you have assigned to this talent file in the Utility Application that comes with Hollywood Mogul.
To continue, select |Exit|. Contract Negotiation - Nude Scenes Select the requirement you want to make of the actor or actress whose agent is negotiating this contract. Your choice may effect whether the talent will accept the contract.
|No Nude Scenes|
The actor or actress is not required to perform nude.
|Implied Nude Scene|
Although the actor or actress may be nude during the scene, the audience cannot "see anything."
|Nude Scene Body Double|
A nude scene is required and the studio is willing to hire a <145> during the nude scene(s).
|Nude Scene|
You require this actor or actress to perform one nude scene.
|Nude Scenes|
You require this actor or actress to perform more than one nude scene. Contract Negotiation - Stunt Scenes Select the requirement you want to make of the actor or actress whose agent is negotiating this contract. Your choice may effect whether the talent will accept the contract.
|No Stunt Work|
Either the movie doesn't require any, or you prefer that a stunt person handle the risky stuff.
|Some Stunt Work|
You require that the actor or actress perform some of their own stunts so the camera can get in close and see that it's them.
|All Stunt Work|
This can be a deadly choice. Contract Negotiation - Set Accomodations Select the requirement you want to make of the actor or actress whose agent is negotiating this contract. Your choice may effect whether the talent will accept the contract.
Select the type of accomodations for the actor or actress you are hiring. The cost of each selection (based on the length of the <064>) is also displayed. This is what it will cost the studio for each individual choice.
This looks like an eighteen-wheeler, except it's filled with small (about five weet wide) rooms, all of which have a little port-a-potty at one end.
|Small Trailer|
The bare-bones minimum as far as trailers go.
|Medium Trailer|
These are almost comfortable.
|Large Trailer|
This is the standard trailer for well-known <105>.
|Luxury Trailer (And Decorating Budget)|
These are the big beautiful home-away-from-home trailers, beautifully outfitted, and very expensive. Contract Negotiation - Hair Styling Select the requirement you want to make of the actor or actress whose agent is negotiating this contract. Your choice may effect whether the talent will accept the contract.
Select the type of accomodations for the actor or actress you are hiring. The cost of each selection (based on the length of the <064>) is also displayed. This is what it will cost the studio for each individual choice.
|Studio Hair Stylist|
The studio employs some of the finest hair stylists in Hollywood, however, some of the more uppity types may want something a little more personalized.
|Personal Hair Stylist|
The studio agrees to hire a hair stylist who only works on the hair of this actor or actress.
|Reknowned Hair Stylist|
This involves calling someone in Beverly Hills who has to leave their shop for the entire <064> and cater to the hair needs of your actor or actress. Contract Negotiation - Make Up Select the requirement you want to make of the actor or actress whose agent is negotiating this contract. Your choice may effect whether the talent will accept the contract.
Select the type of accomodations for the actor or actress you are hiring. The cost of each selection (based on the length of the <064>) is also displayed. This is what it will cost the studio for each individual choice.
|Studio Make-Up Artist|
The studio employs some of the finest make-up artists in Hollywood, however, some of the more uppity types may want something a little more personalized.
|Personal Make-Up Artist|
The studio agrees to hire a make-up artist who only works on the make-up of this actor or actress.
|Reknowned Make-Up Artist|
This involves calling someone in Beverly Hills who has to leave their shop for the entire <064> and cater to the facial needs of your actor or actress. Contract Negotiation - Wardrobe Select the requirement you want to make of the actor or actress whose agent is negotiating this contract. Your choice may effect whether the talent will accept the contract.
Select the type of accomodations for the actor or actress you are hiring. The cost of each selection (based on the length of the <064>) is also displayed. This is what it will cost the studio for each individual choice.
|Wardrobe Department|
The studio maintains one of the finest wardrobe collections in Hollywood, however, some of the more uppity types may want something a little more personalized.
|Designer Wardrobe|
The studio agrees to outfit the actor or actress in $10,000 worth of designer clothes.
|Wardrobe Budget|
The studio agrees to pay whatever it takes to get this actor or actress <118>. Contract Negotiation - Set Food Select the requirement you want to make of the actor or actress whose agent is negotiating this contract. Your choice may effect whether the talent will accept the contract.
Select the type of accomodations for the actor or actress you are hiring. The cost of each selection (based on the length of the <064>) is also displayed. This is what it will cost the studio for each individual choice.
|Studio Catering Service|
The studio employs some of the finest independent food catering services in Hollywood, however, some of the more uppity types may want something a little more personalized.
|Special Menu|
These same independent caterins services can prepare special food per special menus designated by the actor or actress.
|Personal Chef|
This involves calling someone in Beverly Hills and the newest swanky restaurant who has to leave their kitchen for the entire <064> and cater to the culinary requirements of your actor or actress. Contract Negotiation - Assistants Select the requirement you want to make of the actor or actress whose agent is negotiating this contract. Your choice may effect whether the talent will accept the contract.
Select the type of accomodations for the actor or actress you are hiring. The cost of each selection (based on the length of the <064>) is also displayed. This is what it will cost the studio for each individual choice.
The bigger the ego, the more assistants their going to need to feed their ego. Contract Negotiation - Exercise Provisions Select the requirement you want to make of the actor or actress whose agent is negotiating this contract. Your choice may effect whether the talent will accept the contract.
Select the type of accomodations for the actor or actress you are hiring. The cost of each selection (based on the length of the <064>) is also displayed. This is what it will cost the studio for each individual choice.
|No Exercise Provisions|
Let them eat cake, so to speak.
|Gymnasium Membership|
The studio agrees to enroll the actor or actress in a local gym during the <064>.
|Personal Trainer|
The studio agrees to employ an individual to do nothing but cater to the physical regime of the actor or actress.
|Portable Gymnasium|
The studio agrees to provide a mobile gym, rigged up in one of the huge studio trucks.
|Portable Gymnasium/Personal Trainer|
The studio agrees to provide a mobile gym, rigged up on one of the huge studio trucks, as well as a personal trainer. Contract Negotiation - Location Housing Select the requirement you want to make of the actor or actress whose agent is negotiating this contract. Your choice may effect whether the talent will accept the contract.
Select the type of accomodations for the actor or actress you are hiring. The cost of each selection (based on the length of the <064>) is also displayed. This is what it will cost the studio for each individual choice.
The bigger the ego, the more "room" they want to rest that ego at night. Contract Negotiation - Location Housing (AssistantSelect the requirement you want to make of the actor or actress whose agent is negotiating this contract. Your choice may effect whether the talent will accept the contract.
Select the type of accomodations for the actor or actress you are hiring. The cost of each selection (based on the length of the <064>) is also displayed. This is what it will cost the studio for each individual choice.
All those assistants that you let this actor or actress have to indulge their egos... they need a place to sleep at night. Contract Negotiation - Location Transportation Select the requirement you want to make of the actor or actress whose agent is negotiating this contract. Your choice may effect whether the talent will accept the contract.
Select the type of accomodations for the actor or actress you are hiring. The cost of each selection (based on the length of the <064>) is also displayed. This is what it will cost the studio for each individual choice.
|No Transportation|
The studio expects the actor or actress to find their way to the set every day, and on time.
|Studio Limo To and From|
The studio agrees to provide limousine service to and from the set each day.
|24-Hour Limo Service|
The studio agrees to provide the actor or actress with a limousine for their personal use around-the-clock. Project Information This display helps to remind you of the <031>, the <102> and the <146> as well as the <024> and <112>.
If this project is a <008>, then select |Sequel| and a menu will display with the original <105>.
To continue, select |Exit|. Add New Talent - Name Enter the name of the <075> you are creating. Hollywood Mogul will check the name against all other <105> in the game to ensure that no two people have the same name. Add New Talent - Biography Enter the biography of the <075> you are creating. The maximum length is 100 characters.
When you are done, press the Enter key. Add New Talent - Age Select the age of the <075> you are creating. The age must be at least 3 years old.
Press the Left Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) age by 1 year.
Press the Right Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the age by 10 years.
When you are done, Click the mouse on the |X|. Add New Talent - Genre Work All of the talent does their best work in a particular <031>, and all of the actors and actresses want to try a different <031> to stretch and improve their skills.
Of course, these two cannot be the same genres. Test Screening A Test <147> involves showing the current edited movie to 600 randomly selected people.
Each person is asked each question you see, and all of the 600 people who answered "Yes" to the question are reflected in the percentage.
You may Test Screen a movie up to 10 times. In order to authorize another test screening, you must authorize an <148> session. This may or may not improve your film.
|NOTE| Be aware of the warning at the bottom of the menu that informs you whether an edit authorization will cause you to lose your <053>.
A Test <147> is a fair portrayal of how the movie will be received. However, it does not take into account how effective the advertising campaign will be, etc.
You can be relatively sure, however, that a movie that tests very poorly will have an equally poor <107>.
|Authorize Edit|
If you make this selection, Hollywood Mogul will automatically <148> your movie based on the last set of test scores. Record 80, CONTINUED The individual scores will never be lower than the scores in column one.
|Do Not Authorize Edit|
Select this if you wish to continue without an <148> session taking place.
You do not have to make all of your decisions now, you can authorize a Test <147> any time up until the movie is <136>. Domestic Partner If you select a studio, you make a contract with that studio wherein they agree to provide 50% of the <106>, and in return they keep the <079> of the <107>.
This contract cannot be terminated for the life of this project.
Select |Exit| a the top of the menu if you do not wish to contract for a foreign partnership. Foreign Partnership If you select a studio, you make a contract with that studio wherein they agree to provide 50% of the <106>, and in return they keep the <079> of the <108>.
This contract cannot be terminated for the life of this project.
Select |Exit| a the top of the menu if you do not wish to contract for a foreign partnership. Cost-To-Date This is the amount of money the studio has already spent on this project.
At anytime you may stop a project completely:
|Put This Project Into Turnaround|
If the project does not yet have a <138>, you may put this project into <139>. Sometimes the highest bid will be more than your studio has already invested in the project, sometimes not.
|NOTE:| Remember that any <105> with a <134> contract must be paid anyway.
|Kill This Project|
If you are already into the phases of production and you have a <149> or for some other reason you no longer want to complete this project, you can simply pull the plug and the project will disappear from your project list.
All of the money you have invested in the film will be lost. Project Talent List This display appears if a project has already received a <138> and is in, or has completed the stages of production. None of the <105> can be re-hired at this stage.
All of the <075> on this project are listed here. To access their individual records, select their name.
When you are done, select |Exit| at the top of the menu. Individual Talent Information This talent is currently <118> to this project. When you are done, select |Exit| at the top of the menu. Original Talent List For Sequel This display lists the <105> that was originally <118> to the motion picture from which this <008> is being <150>.
When you are done, select |Exit| at the top of the menu. Change The Studio Name Type in the name of the studio, and press Enter. The studio name may be up to 35 characters in length. Record 48, Continued Hollywood Mogul does not automatically hire the new person, but just adds them to the <121>. Studio Loan The bottom portion of the display tells you the maximum amount of money you can borrow.
You pay 12% a year, 1% each month, for every dollar that you borrow.
Press the Left Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the loan amount by $10,000,000.
Press the Right Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the loan amount by $100,000,000.
When you are done, Click on the |X|. Repay A Studio Loan To repay your studio loan...
Press the Left Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the amount of the loan repayment by $10,000,000.
Press the Right Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the amount of the loan repayment by $100,000,000.
When you are done, Click on the |X|.
You can only repay a loan up to the amount of cash the studio has in its <144>. A Top-10 Movie Of All Time This is the information for the movie you selected on the Top 10 Movies Of All Time list.
At the top of the display is the title, the <031>, and the <009>.
Below that is the <053>, the <107>, the <108>, and the <141>.
If this movie was recoginized for excellence by winning any awards, they will be <055>.
Next comes the <105> that was <118> to this movie.
|Actual Game Date|
At the very bottom of the display is the <151>. Hire An Assistant A Hollywood Mogul needs an assistant. Even if it's just for someone to look at... or talk to... (it's lonely at the top, ya know).
This display lists all of the .BMP bitmap graphics which appear in the Hollywood Mogul game directory \FILE_AST.
Select the image you want to see, and when it appears, if you want that image as your assistant, select |Use This Assistant| at the bottom of the menu. To exit, select this also, if you do not want an assistant.
You may add you own .BMP files to the Hollywood Mogul directory \FILE_AST. |Remember| any image that is larger than 150x300 pixels will be cropped before it is displayed (this is done internally, the image will not be changed).
If you are playing Hollywood Mogul at a color resolution of 256 colors, you must map the image to the Hollywood Mogul color palette or you will experience a "palette flash" whenever your image appears. |Please refer to the Hollywood Mogul Overview at the top of this Help Screen|. Production Problem There is a problem with one of the projects the studio has in production. Select |Exit| and Hollywood Mogul will take you back to your office to find out what's going on. Out Of Cash The <144> has a <154>. If the total of any outstanding <002> is not equal to the <152> then you can still <153>.
Select |Exit| to continue. Bankruptcy The <144> has a <154> and an outstanding <002> equal to the <152>.
That can only mean one thing...
|To Continue|, click the mouse anywhere on the "Daily Flix" newspaper. A Movie Is Being Made About You Oh, my...
The Hollywood Community is bestowing upon you one final honor... a movie about your experience in Hollywood.
To continue, select |Exit|. The Hollywood Mogul Well, they can't say you didn't try. And you only lost a couple billion dollars...
Oh, but look how much money has been made on the story of your life. And you'll never see even one penny of it.
Better luck next time, Hollywood Mogul. Studio Cash Adjustment In Hollywood Mogul, the final score is based on the <103> of 100 movies.
If the studio has spent money on <082> or <167> for additional projects that have not yet had their <103>, then Hollywood Mogul adjusts your <144> to reflect only the money spent making 100 movies, and the <079> received for those same 100 movies.
World Premiere Tonight is the <155> of the studio's newest motion picture.
To continue, select |Exit|. Total Revenue Earned This display reflects the <141> by the studio for this motion picture <140>.
|Domestic Revenue|
The first set of dollar amounts is the <156> the studio has received from the <157> of this movie. This includes the Domestic <079>, <158>, <159>, <160>, <161>, <162>, or the <163>.
|Foreign Revenue|
The second set of dollar amounts is the <156> the studio has received from the <166>. This includes the Foreign <079>, <159>, <160>, <162>, or the <164>.
|Total Revenue Received|
This is the total revenue returned to the studio.
|Total Talent Participation|
This is the total amount of money paid out to the <075> for their <172>, this money is deducted from the Total Revenue Received.
|Total Studio Cash Increase|
This is the amount of money deposited in the <144>.
Select |Exit| to continue. Hollywood Mogul Hall Of Fame Every time you play Hollywood Mogul, your <168> is compared to the Hall Of Fame scores, the top twenty games of Hollywood Mogul that have been played on this computer.
The <168> reflects the total amount of money spent by the studio for <082>, <167>, and <114>, as well as the money spent for the <142>.
The <168> also reflects the total amount of <141> the studio has received for all of the 100 movies it has released.
Basically, your <168> is equal to your <144> minus any outstanding <002>. Hall Of Fame Record Holder This display reflects the Hall Of Fame record you selected.
At the top of the display is the <151>, and below that is the name of the player, the studio name, and the <168>.
|Award Nominations|
The total number of award nominations the studio received in each category.
|Award Statues|
The total number of awards the studio won in each category.
Select |Exit| to continue. Final Score At the top of the display is the <151> (which is today's date), and below that is your name, your studio name, and your <168>.
|Award Nominations|
The total number of award nominations the studio received in each category.
|Award Statues|
The total number of awards the studio won in each category.
Select |Exit| to continue. Talent Decision After reading the <025>, the <105> has made a decision about being involved with this <167>.
If they are interested, you can meet with their agent to <169>.
If they are not interested, the reason will be displayed, and you will not have a chance to meet with their agent until you correct that situation.
For example, if they want to see a <089> you will have to do that if you want to attract that particular <105> to the <167>. Even if you do authorize a <089>, it is no guarantee that the <105> will be interested. They may have other reasons for not getting involved. Well... Don't look at me....
What is it you want this person to do...? Contract Terms These are the terms of the <170> as agreed upon by studio.
It includes the <171>, <172> on the <174>, and <173>.
In addition, the <170> displays all other aspects of the agreement between the <105> and the studio. Award Consideration - Promotional Expense If you want your movie(s) and the <075> that was <118> to be recognized for their excellent work, the studio has to make the governing body of Hollywood aware of them, because there are a lot of movies that were made last year by your studio and all the other studios in town.
How much you budget is up to you.
Press the Left Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the Promotional Expense amount by $1,000,000.
Press the Right Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the Promotional Expense amount by $10,000,000.
If you have made at least one selection for Award Consideration, you must spend a minimum of $1,000,000.
When you are done, Click the |X|. Award Nomination - Promotional Expense Congratulations!
At least one of your Award Consideration choices has been nominated for an Award.
Now get your checkbook out because if you want any chance of winning the studio is going to have to promote your nominee(s). You decide how much.
Press the Left Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the Promotional Expense amount by $1,000,000.
Press the Right Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the Promotional Expense amount by $10,000,000.
If you have made at least one selection for Award Nomination, you must spend a minimum of $1,000,000.
When you are done, Click the |X|. Award Nominees Hollywood Mogul is displaying the nominees for the award displayed in the middle of the screen.
Only nominees from your studio have their names displayed.
Only movies from your studio have their titles displayed.
For Best Picture, only the <031> is listed for each nominee except your studio nominee. Award Winner This display lists the Award Category, the winning <105>, the <031> of the movie, and the studio that <136> it.
It's an honor just to be nominated. Acceptance Speech Congratulations!!
As Head Of The Studio, you get to pick up the Best Picture award. And this requires a speech, of course.
Just type in your speech. Every time you press the space bar the previous word will appear on the screen.
The <075> has been listed for you in case you want to thank them in your speech.
Have fun... and keep it short... remember, nobody really cares... Award Winners The winners in each category are displayed.
Select |Exit| at the bottom of the menu to continue. Credits Only the entertainment business indulges itself with a list of who brought the product to you.
Imagine if all industries did that... The cereal you eat in the morning might have on the back of the box...
American Cereal Company
Proudly Presents
The American Cereal Company
"Corn Flakes"
Corn Grown by Farmer John
Corn Milled At Iowa Milling Corporation
Corn Driven To Market By American Trucking
Corn Shaped Into Flakes By Sally Horner
Ovens By U.S. Oven Corporation
... the box would be huge... Domestic Box Office Gross The movie is being shown in theaters around the United States and Canada.
In Hollywood Mogul, the <107> is calculated and displayed all at once, even though in real life the movie may be in theaters for two months, in Hollywood Mogul you find out how well your movie did right now.
|The Display|
From eleven regional offices, the <107> is pouring in (hopefully). These amounts are displayed as running totals, continuously updating until no more money is received at theater ticket box offices in that region. At that point, the dollar amount value will be displayed in a different color.
|The Domestic Box Office Gross|
The display in the lower left portion of the map shows the running total of the <107>. This is the total from all eleven regional offices (including Canada).
Overall Performance (added to 115) |Performance|
At the bottom of the screen the movie's performance is displayed. A <176> is calculated using a probability algorithm that looks at the <175> for each individual item and determines if it performed as expected, less than expected, or better than expected. A final <176> is assigned, and that rating is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
|Overall Performance|
This rating reflects the movie's performance as a movie itself. How well did all of the elements come together to make a product.
|The Creative Talent|
Each of the <075> that was <116> for this movie are displayed, and each has a <176>. This is their <122> run through the probablity algorithm to determine if they performed as expected, less than expected, or better than expected.
|Production Budget|
This <176> reflects how well the <177> was used to make the movie.
This <176> reflects how well the story was transfered into a motion picture.
Performance, continued from 116 |Advertising|
This <176> reflects how effective the movie's <178> was.
|Star Appeal|
This <176> reflects the appeal of the <062> and <063> that performed in the movie.
To continue, Click the mouse |anywhere on the screen|.
Foreign Box Office Gross The movie is being shown in theaters around the world outside the United States and Canada.
In Hollywood Mogul, the <108> is calculated and displayed all at once, even though in real life the movie may be in theaters for two months, in Hollywood Mogul you find out how well your movie did right now.
|The Display|
From three regional offices, the <108> is pouring in (hopefully). These amounts are displayed as running totals, continuously updating until no more money is received at theater ticket box offices in that region. At that point, the dollar amount value will be displayed in a different color.
|The Foreign Box Office Gross|
The display in the left portion of the map shows the running total of the <108>. This is the total from all three regional offices around the world. Foreign Gross, Continued from 119 Above that, the <107> is displayed. And in addtion, a running total of the <174> is displayed.
When all of the running totals are complete, the <174> reflects the amount of money that theater owners around the world collected from people who paid to see the movie.
The studio's share of this money is 50%, and is known as the <079>.
Hall Of Fame At the top of the display is the <151> (which is today's date), and below that is your name, your studio name, and the amount of money currently in your <144> minus any outstanding <002>.
|Award Nominations|
The total number of award nominations the studio received in each category.
|Award Statues|
The total number of awards the studio won in each category.
Select |Exit| to continue. Welcome To Hollywood Mogul Welcome to Hollywood Mogul, the computer strategy game where you run your own Hollywood Movie Studio.
If you've never played before, or are unsure of how the game is played, |Hint| will walk you through each step of the game. Within the game menus, any text in <214> will accept a |mouse click| even this <215> (try it). Text that is |this color| calls special attention to something on the menu.
|Start A New Game|
Click the mouse on this choice if you want to start a new game of Hollywood Mogul.
|Play A Saved Game|
If you've already saved at least one game and want to continue that game, click the mouse on this choice.
|Exit Hollywood Mogul|
If you want to exit Hollywood Mogul right now, without playing, click the mouse on this choice. Hollywood Mogul Game Configuration This screen allows you to control all of the display colors and fonts used in Hollywood Mogul.
|The Color Palette|
On the lower right side of the screen is the Hollywood Mogul color palette. All of the images displayed in Hollywood Mogul use this 256-color palette, and all of the font and menu colors also use this palette.
|Font List|
Just above the color palette is a list of all the fonts on your computer.
|Game Level|
Select this to change the game level at which you wish to play Hollywood Mogul.
|Make Changes|
These are all of the things you can change in Hollywood Mogul, starting with:
|Player Name|
Select the name, and enter your own name, or any name you wish to play under.
|Studio Name|
Select the studio name, and enter any studio name you want to have over your Studio Gate.
|Game Menus|
Select this to change the color, border style, font, and font color of the menus that appear in the game.
|Office Display|
Select this to change the font, font color, and text Game Config, continued from 122 placement for the office display.
|Studio Memos|
Select this to change the color, fonts, and font colors used in internal office memos within your studio.
|Game List Displays|
Select this to change the fonts and font colors used in lists displayed during the game.
|File List Displays|
Select this to change the fonts and font colors used in lists from disk reads displayed during the game.
|Studio Gate|
Select this to change the font, font color, and placement of your studio name as it appears on the gate in front of the studio.
|Hire An Assistant|
Select this to hire an assistant.
|Start New Game| or |Return To Game|
Select this to exit the game configuration screen and continue playing Hollywood Mogul. Enter Your First Name Type in your first name and then press the Enter key.
Use upper and lower case, so if your first name is John, type John, not JOHN or john.
You may enter up to 15 characters for your first name. Enter Your Middle Name Type in your middle name and then press the Enter key. If you do not have a middle name, or do not want to enter a middle name, you do not have to.
Use upper and lower case, so if your middle name is Sue, type Sue, not SUE or sue.
You may enter up to 15 characters for your middle name. Enter Your Last Name Type in your last name and then press the Enter key.
Use upper and lower case, so if your last name is Smith, type Smith not SMITH or smith.
You may enter up to 20 characters for your last name. Change Game Menus Most of the information in Hollywood Mogul is displayed on menus like the one in the lower left portion of the screen. Within this help file, we will refer to that menu as the Model.
All of the colors can be changed, as well as the font.
The upper left portion of the screen allows you to control the border style. The border consists of eight lines, and these lines are either on (if they are <055>) or they are off. In addition, they are either Inverted or they are not. If you want a line on, select it with the mouse. If it is already on (and therefore <055>) and you want it off, select it with the mouse. Each time you make a change, the Model will be redrawn in the new style.
Each text line on a menu is a certain type. "Menu Title" is one type of text, "Information Text" is another type of text line, etc. You can control the color of each type of text displayed on a menu, as well as the font for the overall menu.
|Changing The Font|
Change Game Menu Continued from 127 To change the font, select a new font from the Font List above the color palette on the right side of the screen.
Because so much information is displayed via text in Hollywood Mogul, there are limits to the height and width of font characters. If a font you select cannot be reduced to the limits, then a warning bell will sound, and the font will not load.
If the font can be reduced to the limits, the Model will redisplay with the new font. "Arial" is the default font for Hollywood Mogul game menus.
If you decide you cannot read the font clearly, or do not like the way it looks, select another font.
When a font first appears on the Model, the Bold and Italic characteristics have been turned off. To turn them on, select them.
|"Menu Title Text"|
This is the text that appears at the top of almost every menu. It may also appear as a Sub-Title on the menu.
|"Selected Text"|
This is a text line that you have selected with the mouse and it is therefore <055>. Text may also be "selected" to Continued from 128 inform you which information is currently valid. For instance, when you select a <031> while making a movie in Hollywood Mogul, the current <031> is always <055> so you know what it is.
|"Selectable Text"|
This is a text line that can be selected by clicking on it with the mouse. This type of text line indicates a choice has been made.
|"Information Text"|
This is text that cannot be changed.
|"Dollar Amount Text"|
This is text that displays dollar amounts, such as $100,000,000.
|"Special Text"|
This text is very, very rarely displayed.
|Menu Background|
Select this to change the color of the menu itself.
|Border Highlight|
This is the color of the lines that appear in the border style on the top and left side of the menu.
|Border Shadow|
This is the color of the lines that appear in the border style on the bottom and right side of the menu.
|Text Shadow|
This is the color of the text shadow, one-pixel wide, to make the menu more readable. Continued from 129 The text shadow can be turned off (see below).
|Text Shadow On|
This toggles the Text Shadow. If it is <055> then the text shadow is visible on the Model.
Select this to make the text bold. If the character width exceeds the limits, you will hear a warning bell and Bold will not be allowed.
Select this to make the text italic. If the character width exceeds the limits, you will hear a warning bell and Italic will not be allowed.
|Default Value|
Select this to return a Text Line type back to its default color value.
|Open Palette|
The game menu colors and fonts can be saved to your computer disk, select this open a previously saved color palette (the Hollywood Mogul default palette is always available).
|Save Palette|
The game menu colors and fonts can be saved to your computer disk, select this to save the current menu font and colors.
Select this when you are satisfied with the game menu font and colors.
Office Display Configuration When you are in your office, information like this is what you will most likely be working with.
This is the <179> (or half of it, anyway).
All of the information here can be displayed in any color on the palette, and all of the fonts can be changed.
There are two types of text information displayed, the text at the top of the screen, and the project information text displayed on the lower two-thirds of the screen.
Each individual line of the top section text can be assigned its own font and font color.
The information section can have one font, and the different section types can be assigned different colors.
Continued from 131 The following text information types can have their colors changed, as well as be assigned any font. To change the font, select any font from the Font List. Select |Increase Font Size| to make it display larger, or |Decrease Font Size| to make it display smaller.
|Division Title|
This is the division ("Motion Picture Division") within your studio that handles motion picture production.
|Movie Title|
The movie title ("The Highland Street Generals") is the second line on the screen.
|Movie Storyline|
The <009> is the third line on the screen.
|Project Status|
The status line ("Status: No Production Budget") should be in a bright, or at least noticeable color. The project status is a reminded of what must be accomplished before a project can be released as a movie.
This line ("Cost-To-Date $3,000,000) reflects the amount of money the studio has already spent, and should probably be consistent with all other dollar amount text colors you are using. Continued from 132
|Information Text|
This is all of the text that appears on both sides of the screen, below the Cost-To-Date. This is the main body of the <179>.
The following text can only be assigned different colors (the font is the Information Text font).
|Section Title|
A section title is centered ("CREATIVE TALENT" for example, or "Additional Roles").
|Dollar Amounts|
This is any dollar amount that is displayed in the <179> and probably should be consistent with the dollar amount color used in the Cost-To-Date display.
|Text Shadow Color|
This is the one-pixel shadow used to make reading the text easier.
|Text Back Color|
If you find it hard to read the text on the screen, you can put a "background" behind each text line, in any color in the palette. It requires that |Back Color On| be <055>.
The following are selections you can make to effect the selections above.
|Text Shadow On|
This toggles the text shadow color.
|Back Color On|
This toggles the back color. Continued from 133
This makes the text style bold for any text line you have selected (Division Title, Movie Title, Movie Storyline, Project Status, Project Cost-To-Date, or Information Text).
This makes the text style italic for any text line you have selected (Division Title, Movie Title, Movie Storyline, Project Status, Project Cost-To-Date, or Information Text).
|Increase Font Size|
This increases the font size for any text line you have selected (Division Title, Movie Title, Movie Storyline, Project Status, Project Cost-To-Date, or Information Text).
|Decrease Font Size|
This decreases the font size for any text line your have selected (Division Title, Movie Title, Movie Storyline, Project Status, Project Cost-To-Date, or Information Text).
|Increase Main Spacing|
This increases the amount of space between text lines for the |Information Text|.
|Decrease Main Spacing|
This decreases the amount of space between text lines for the |Information Text|.
|Use Default Value|
Continued from 134 This assigns the default color value to any text line you have selected (Division Title, Movie Title, Movie Storyline, Project Status, Project Cost-To-Date, or Information Text).
Select this when you are satisfied with the office display.
Change Studio Memo These are the memos the studio departments use internally.
Above the Font List you can see the three types of text that can be assigned separate fonts and font colors, and you can also change the body color and the border color.
On the right side of the screen you can see the four parameters you can change on each of the three text types.
|Studio Letterhead Text|
This is the studio name font at the top of the memo. You can select any font from the Font List, and any color from the palette.
|Hollywood Text|
This is the text line "Hollywood, California". You can select any font from the Font List, and any color from the palette.
|Memo Body Text|
This is the main text of the memo. You can select any font from the Font List, and any color from the palette. |Remember| you must be able to read the last line of the memo, so don't let the font size get too big.
Continued From 136 For each of these text types above, you can change the text style, as well as the font size.
Make the selected text type bold.
Make the selected text type italic.
|Increase Font Size|
Increases the display size of the selected text type.
|Decrease Font Size|
Decreases the display size of the selected text type.
Select this when you are satisfied with your Hollywood Mogul memos.
Change List Display You can change few things on the List Display. You may select any font from the Font List.
The list display should use a monospaced font, where every character is the same size, as opposed to a proportional font, where every character is only wide enough to display itself. The reason you want to use a monospace font is to ensure that everything on the list aligns properly. The default font for the List Display is "Courier".
|Text Color|
Select this to change the text color.
|Background Color|
Select this to change the background color.
Select this when you are satisfied with the list display. Change File List Display The file list displays files read from the disk. You can change few things on the List Display. You may select any font from the Font List.
|Text Color|
Select this to change the text color.
|Background Color|
Select this to change the background color.
Select this when you are satisfied with the list display. Change Studio Gate The studio gate displays your studio name above the entrance to the studio.
|Displaying The Studio Name|
If you have changed the studio gate graphic (see Adding Your Own Graphics in |Hollywood Mogul Overview| at the top of this help file) and do not want Hollywood Mogul to display your studio name, select |DO NOT PRINT STUDIO NAME| and then select |DONE|.
If you are now using the Hollywood Mogul default graphic studio gate, select |PRINT STUDIO NAME| if the studio name does not display, or leave |DO NOT PRINT STUDIO NAME| displaying on this screen.
You may select any font from the Font List for the studio gate display.
You may select the |Studio Name|, the |Highlight| color, or the |Shadow| color. After you have made your selection, select any color in the palette.
Select this to make the studio gate display italic.
Select this to make the studio gate display bold.
|Increase Font Size|
Select this to make the studio gate display larger. Continued 140
|Decrease Font Size|
Select this to make the studio gate display smaller.
|Increase Font Highlight|
Select this to increase the width of the highlight that surrounds the display text.
|Decrease Font Highlight|
Select this to decrease the width of the highlight that surrounds the display text.
|Increase Font Shadow|
Select this to increase the width of the shadow that surrounds the display text.
|Decrease Font Shadow|
Select this to decrease the width of the shadow that surrounds the display text.
If you select a dark color for the Highlight and a bright color for the Shadow, the gate display will appear to be inset into the stone.
When you are happy with the color and font type of your studio name, you may position it on the gate.
|Move Up|
Continued from 141 Move the display one pixel up.
|Move Down|
Move the display one pixel down.
|Move Left|
Move the display one pixel left.
|Move Right|
Move the display one pixel in the selected direction.
Select this when you are satisfied with the studio gate display.
Continued from 53 revenue section of the screen. The first column has a text description, the middle column has the individual revenue amounts, and the third column totals each sub-section.
The third column is the amount of money the studio received.
|Domestic Box Office Gross|
The |Gross| amount is shown <055> in column one. The amount in column two is the Studio <079>, which is one half of the gross. The third column is the total amount received by the studio.
The third column is $0 if you have a domestic partner for this movie. Your domestic partner receives the entire <079>, in return for paying you one half of the <106> (which is reflect below in |Domestic Pre-Sales|.)
Below the domestic gross are the ancillary market revenues. They are <158>, Broadcast <159>, <160>, <161>, <162>, and <163>.
The |Total Domestict Ancillaries| amount is displayed in the third column. This amount will reflect only the <163> amount if you have a domestic partner, as your partner is entitled to all of Continued from 143 the domestic ancillary revenue, as well as the <079> on the <107>.
Notice that column one displays the gross <162> (it is <055>) and column two reflects only the studio's portion of that revenue, which is 10%.
The foreign revenue is divided up exactly the same. column one displays the <108> (it is <055>) and column two displays the Studio <079>, which is one half of the gross. Column three shows the total revenue received from the <108>.
If you have a foreign partner, the Studio <079> will be $0, as you foreign partner is entitled to the entire <079> from the <108> in exchange for paying you one half of the <106> (which is reflected below in |Foreign Pre-Sales|).
Next comes the foreign ancillary markets. They are <159>, <160>, <162>, and <164>. Column three displays the total amount received by the studio from foreign ancillary markets.
If you have a foreign partner on this movie, the |Total Foreign Ancillaries| amount will be equal to continued from 144 the <164> which is one half of the <106>.
At the very bottom of the revenue side of the final breakdown is the |Total Studio Revenue|. This is the <141> by this motion picture <103>.
The <141> is the amount of money that has been paid back into the <144> (or will be, as soon as you |Exit| this screen).
Now we can compare how much revenue the studio earned on this movie against how much money the studio paid out in expenses.
The right side of the screen displays the expenses the studio has endured during the making of this motion picture. At the very top of the section is the <141>, which is carried over from the revenue section on the left side.
As with the revenue section, the expense section is divided into three columns. Column one has a text description, column two has individual amounts, and column three displays a total for each sub-section.
continued from 145 There are two types of expenses: Expenses that occur before a movie is released, and have been paid out by the studio. And expenses that occur after the movie is released and are paid out as <183>, or points on the gross. That money is not really "paid" out, as much as it is just never received by the studio.
Let's look at the first type of expenses:
|Domestic P & A|
This is the domestic <114> amount. It includes the <078> and the amount paid for <178>.
|Foreign P & A|
This is just like the domestic <112>, except in a different language.
|Foreign Distribution Fees|
These are a variety of fees paid out around the world to different theater owners, unions, etc.
|Negative Cost|
The <106> is the cost of physically making the movie.
|Total Expenses|
The third column displays the total expenses incurred by the studio to release this movie.
If you have a foreign partner, the Foreign <112> and the Foreign Distribution Fees will be $0, as your partner has paid those bills. Continued from 146 If you have a domestic partner, the Domestic <112> will be $0, as your partner has paid that bill.
Expense amounts are displayed in the color you designated in the Game Configuration. They do not appear as negative numbers.In other words, if you have a <106> of $45,000,000 it will be displayed that way, not -$45,000,000. Revenue is displayed in the same color as you designated for menu titles. So the color that the movie title is displayed in at the top of the screen, is the same color used to display revenue received by the studio.
So, with that in mind...
|Studio Net Revenue|
This amount is the sum of: <141> minus <184>.
If this amount is displayed in the color of other expense, it is therefore a negative "net revenue" and will equal the studio <182> amount.
If the amount is displayed in the menu title color, it is therefore a positive amount, and the studio, so far, is showing a <181>.
However...there is <183> still to come...
|Talent Participation|
Continued from 147 When you met with each agent to <169>, if the studio agreed to pay the <105> any <172>, then if the Studio Net Revenue is a positive amount, the <105> must now receive their participation.
So, for every dollar that comes in after the <184> have been <185>, the <075> with <172> now participates fully in the fun.
The middle portion of the expense side of the screen displays each <075> and their <172> percentage. Column two displays the individual amounts each receives, and column three displays the |Total Participation|.
|Studio Net Gain Or Loss|
This amount is equal to the Studio Net Revenue minus the Total Participation. If there is no <183>, this amount will be equal to the Studio Net Revenue.
If this amount is displayed in the same color as the other expenses, then the studio has a <182> for this movie. If the amount is displayed in the same color as the movie title at the top of the final breakdown menu, then the studio has a <181>.
Continued from 148 And that is the final breakdown for this motion picture.
New Project - No Genre
|New Project - No Genre|
Every movie needs a <031>. To select the genre, click the mouse on |Genre: No Genre Selected|. New Project - No Role Requirements
|New Project - No Role Requirements|
To select the <026>, you must access the Development Department. To do that, click on the section of the Project File headed by "Genre: ...".
You must select Starring Role <026> in order to move forward. Hollywood Mogul does not require Supporting Roles or Cameo Roles, or Minor Roles.
No First Draft Screenplay
|No First Draft Screenplay|
You cannot make a movie without a <025>. The <025> is the map of the movie.
In order to get a <100>, you are going to need a <027>. You hire a <027> from the Development Department. To access this department, click on the section of the Project File headed by "Genre: ..." Once you are there, you will see there is a |Writer Required|. Writing Begins Next Month
|Writing Begins Next Month|
There is nothing more you can do on this project until the <025> is complete. You should |Exit| the Project File and continue working on other projects the studio is developing, or leave the office and continue on to the next <001>.
You will be notified by a studio memo when the <025> is complete.
First Draft Screenplay being written
|First Draft Screenplay...|
The dates that follow the status are the month and year the <100> was started, and the month and year it is expected to be finished.
Nothing more can be done on this project until the writing is complete. You should |Exit| the project file and continue working on other projects the studio is developing. No Production Budget
|No Production Budget|
The <014> of this project must be budgeted. That is done in the Production Department. To get there, click the mouse on the section of the screen titled "PRODUCTION". No Int
|No Interiors Shoot Location|
The Production Department must know where you want the <073> filmed. To access the Production Department, click on the section titled "PRODUCTION". No Ext
|No Exteriors Shoot Location|
The Production Department needs to know where you want the <072> scenes filmed. To access the Production Department, click on the section of the screen titled "PRODUCTION". Cast Starring Roles
|Cast Starring Role(s)|
In order to <186> the <187>, click anywhere on the section of the project file between "Producer" and "Perks Cost" No Director
|No Director|
The movie cannot be filmed without a <117>. To hire a director, click the mouse anywhere on the project file between "Producer" and "Perks Cost" No Producer
|No Producer|
The movie cannot be produced without a <133>. To hire a director, click the mouse anywhere on the project file between "Producer" and "Perks Cost" No Supporting Roles
|Cast Supporting Role(s)|
In order to <186> the <188>, click anywhere on the section of the project file between "Producer" and "Perks Cost" Cast Cameo Roles
|Cast Cameo Role(s)|
In order to <186> the <119>, click anywhere on the section of the project file between "Producer" and "Perks Cost" Cast Minor Roles
|Cast Minor Role(s)|
In order to <186> the <030>, click anywhere on the section of the project file between "Producer" and "Perks Cost" Project File - Status = Green Light
|Green Light This Project|
If you are satisfied with the <025>, and the <062> and <063> that have been <186>, and if you are happy with the <117> and the <133> that are <118>, then it is time to move this project forward into <167>.
To do that, click on the line "Status: Green Light This Project", and the Green Light authorization menu will display.
In Pre-Production
|Pre-Production ... |
This project is currently in <081>. The dates after the line are the start month and year, followed by the completion month and year.
You can decrease the time spent in <081> by authorizing <189>. To do that, click on the section of the Project File title "RELEASE".
If any problems arise during <081> you will be notified by studio memo. You will also be notified by studio memo when this project completes <081> and moves into <019>.
In Production
This project has begun <190> and will be in <019> for the length of the <064> (barring any <191>).
The absolutely worst thing that can happen to the studio is a <149>... but maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones.
Hollywood Mogul maintains a record of any <023>, which can be accessed by clicking the mouse on the Project File line "Increase-In-Costs", or it can also be accessed from withing the Production Department by clicking on the section of the Project File titled "PRODUCTION".
When this project completes <019> ("That's a wrap!") and moves into <020>, you will be notified by studio memo.
In Post-Production
During <020> the <021> are being added, the musical <192> has been composed and is now being fine-tuned and added, the colors are being <193>, the <062> and <063> are available for any <194> sessions, the film is being <195>.
In order to complete <020> faster, as the Head of the Studio, you can authorize <189>. To do this, click the mouse on the section of the Project File titled "RELEASE".
When <020> is complete ("It's in the can!"), <167> is considered to be complete, and the movie is ready for <103>.
You will be notified by studio memo when <020> is complete.
After <020> is complete, you may also authorize a <197> of this movie at any time prior to <140>, and you may now edit the film for a different <196>. To do that, click the Project File in the section titled "RELEASE"
No Release Date
|No Release Date|
The movie cannot be put into <103> without a <053>. To set a <053> click the Project File in the section titled "RELEASE".
You may also authorize a <197> of this movie at any time prior to <140>, and you may now edit the film for a different <196>. To do that, click the Project File in the section titled "RELEASE"
No Theaters
|No Theaters For Distriubtion|
The movie cannot be <> if the number of theaters where it will be shown is not finalized. To do this, click on the Project File in the section titled "PRINTS & ADVERTISING".
You may also authorize a <197> of this movie at any time prior to <140>, and you may now edit the film for a different <196>. To do that, click the Project File in the section titled "RELEASE" No Ad Budget
|No Advertising Budget|
In order for a movie to have any hope of success it needs <178>. You can specify <109>, <110>, and\or <111>. To do this, click on the Project File in the section titled "PRINTS & ADVERTISING".
You may also authorize a <197> of this movie at any time prior to <140>, and you may now edit the film for a different <196>. To do that, click the Project File in the section titled "RELEASE" Awaiting Release
|Awaiting Release|
This movie is ready to go, all you have to do is wait for the current <001> to be the same month and year as the <053>.
You may also authorize a <197> of this movie at any time prior to <140>, and you may now edit the film for a different <196>. To do that, click the Project File in the section titled "RELEASE" Re-Edit
|Post-Production Re-Edit|
You have authorized an <148> session based on a <197>. This project is currently in the middle of that <148>. When it is complete, you will be notified by studio memo.
After that, you may authorize another <197> of this movie at any time prior to <140>, and you may now edit the film for a different <196>. To do that, click the Project File in the section titled "RELEASE" New Test Screen Results
|New Test Screen Results Available|
The <148> session you authorized is complete, and another <197> has been done. These results are now available. To see the new results, click on the section of the Project File titled "RELEASE".
You may also authorize another <197> of this movie at any time prior to <140>, and you may now edit the film for a different <196>. To do that, click the Project File in the section titled "RELEASE" Page 1 Rewrite
|Page 1 Rewrite ...|
You have authorized a <198>, which is being written now. The Status line includes the start month and year of that <052> and the completion month and year.
There isn't much you can do on this project until the new <025> is complete. When it is, you will be notified by studio memo. Rewrite
|Screenplay Rewrite ...|
You have authorized a <089>, which is being written now. The Status line includes the start month and year of that <052> and the completion month and year.
There isn't much you can do on this project until the new <025> is complete. When it is, you will be notified by studio memo. Script Polish
|Screenplay Polish ...|
You have authorized a <090>, which is being written now. The Status line includes the start month and year of that <052> and the completion month and year.
There isn't much you can do on this project until the new <025> is complete. When it is, you will be notified by studio memo. Studio Memo A department within the studio has sent you a memo to inform you of something. Once you have read the memo, click the mouse anywhere inside the menu to continue. Project File...
|The Project File|
The project file is the record of every facet of each project the studio is developing into a motion picture.
|Motion Picture Division|
This tells you which division within the studio is responsible for the current project (this will be more useful as the other games are added to the series).
|Movie Title|
This is the title of the current project. To change the title, click the mouse on this line.
This line reminds you want the story is about. You can change the storyline up until the <100> is complete. To make a change, click on this line.
|Status: ... |
The status line tells you exactly what must be done next in order to move this project toward completion.
This is the amount of money the studio has paid. All of the other amounts displayed on this screen are money the studio will pay, or may pay, but this is the amount of money the studio has paid.
Continued from 178
|Development Department|
This section of the Project File is used for project <082>. To access the development department, click the mouse anywhere between:
This line tell you the <031> of the current project.
|Screenplay Status|
This line tells you the overall <175> of the <102>.
|Original Screenplay, Novel, Stage Play, Sequel|
This line is the <007> reference. The dollar amount associated with it is the price paid for the <007>.
This title begins the list of <075>, but accesses the development department.
This title tells you that the name below it is the name of the current <027>.
|Screenwriter Name|
This is the name of the current <027>.
|Total Writer(s) Cost|
This is the total amount of money the studio has paid so far for <082>.
This is the final line which accesses the Development Department.
Continued from 179
|Casting Department|
In order to <186> a film, you must access the Casting Department. To do that click the mouse anywhere between "Producer" and "Above-The-Line Cost"
This title tells you that the name below it is the <133> of the current project.
|Producer Name|
This is the name of the <133>. The dollar amount is the salary that will be paid when <081> begins.
This title tells you that the name below it is the <117> of the current project.
|Director Name|
This is the name of the <117>. The dollar amount is the salary that will be paid when <081> begins.
|Starring Roles|
The next two lines are the <187>. Continued from 180
|Actor Not Yet Hired|
|Actress Not Yet Hired|
This displays for either of the two <187> lines if the <131> or <132> has not yet been <118>.
Once they are <118>, the |Actor Name| or |Actress Name| will appear. The dollar amount is the salary that will be paid when <081> begins.
|Supporting Roles|
The next four lines are the <188>.
|Actor Not Yet Hired|
|Actress Not Yet Hired|
This displays for any of the four <188> lines if the <131> or <132> has not yet been <118>.
Once they are <118>, the |Actor Name| or |Actress Name| will appear. The dollar amount is the salary that will be paid when <081> begins.
|Cameo Roles|
The next two lines are the <119>.
|Actor Not Yet Hired|
|Actress Not Yet Hired|
This displays for either of the two <119> lines if the <131> or <132> has not yet been <118>.
Once they are <118>, the |Actor Name| or |Actress Name| will appear. The dollar amount is the salary that will be paid when <081> begins. Continued from 181
|Additional Roles|
These are the non-major roles in the movie.
|Speak Roles: ... |
This is the number of <030>. The dollar amount is the salary that will be paid when <081> begins.
|Extras ... |
This is the number of <199>.
|Extras ... / ... Days|
This is the number of <200> and the <201>.
|Perks Cost|
This is the cost of the <202> afforded the <075> for performing in the movie.
|Above-The-Line Cost|
This is the total amount of money paid for all <075> and the cost of preparing the <025>.
This is the last line of the Casting Department.
Continued 182
This is the title of the Production Department. Everything pertaining to <019> can be found here.
|Locale: ... |
This is the primary location of filming.
|EXT ... |
This is where the <072> will be filmed.
|INT ... |
This is where the <073> will be filmed.
|Production Budget|
This amount is the budget for <014>.
|Special Effects|
This is the amount for all <021>.
This amount is the <023>. Hollywood Mogul maintains a record of all budget overruns.
|Below-The-Line Cost|
This is the total amount of money needed for <019>.
This is the last line accessing the Production Department.
This amount is the <106>.
Continued from 183
This title is the beginning of the section of the Project File that pertains to the <053> of a movie.
|No Release Date Set|
|Month Year|
If you have not yet selected a <053> then "No Release Date Set" is displayed, otherwise the month and year of the <053> you have selected is displayed.
|Test Screening - N\A|
|Test Score: ... |
A <197> cannot occur until the movie has completed <020>. Until then, "N/A" meaning "Not Applicable" will display. After a <197> occurs, the <203> will display.
This section gives you access to the Marketing Department.
This is the number of theaters the movie will be shown in.
|Print Cost|
This amount is the <078>.
|Television Ads|
This is the amount of money being spent on <109>.
|Print Ads|
This is the amount of money being spent on <110>.
|Radio Ads|
This is the amount of money being spent on <111>.
|P & A Total|
This is the total amount of domestic <112>.
Continued from 184
Ancillaries are all of the other markets that the studio can make money from.
This amount is any revenue received before the movie is released.
|Foreign Pre-Sales|
This amount indicates a foreign partner.
|Ancillaries Total|
This is the total amount of ancillary revenue to date. After the movie opens, more ancillary revenue may be collected, but this is the current total.
This is the total amount of money that will be spent (not including Foreign Distribution Fees, and Foreign <112>. |Remember|, the Cost-To-Date, above, is the amount of money the studio has spent. This total is the amount of money the studio will spend if it completes the production and releases the movie.
Select A Saved Game Select a saved game from the displayed list. Once you have selected a game, you may either:
|PLAY This Saved Game|
Select this to load the saved game and play.
|DELETE This Saved Game|
Select this to delete the saved game from your computer.
P & A continued from 29
Select |Theaters| to change the number of theaters you want for this <103>.
The |Print Cost| amount is the <078> for the number of theaters you have selected.
Here you select the domestic <178>. The foreign <178> is handled internally by Hollywood Mogul based on the success of the film overseas.
Select this to budget the amount you want to spend on <109>.
Select this to budget the amount you want to spend on <110>.
Select this to budget the amount you want to spend on <111>.
This is the total amount of <178> you have budgeted.
|Total P & A"
This is the sum of the <178> budgets and the <078>.
Continued from 30
|Film Rating|
The <196> can be changed once the movie has completed <020>.
|Test Screening|
This is the <203> for any <197> you have authorized for this movie. It is not available until <020> is complete.
Annual Award Ceremony Tonight the Hollywood Community honors excellence in achievement.
To continue, click the mouse anywhere on the screen. Motion Picture Source Material A motion picture starts with an idea, or source. In Hollywood Mogul there are different types of <007>. This screen gives you access to three of those types:
|Original Screenplay|
Select this for the <088> list.
Select this for the <084> list.
|Stage Play|
Select this for the <085> list.
At the start of each new month (<001>), there are 30 titles available for each list. As you purchase the <212> to a title, the number of titles is reduced by one. It is possible to purchase all of the available titles in any given <001>. If that happens, access to that type of <007> will be denied.
Hollywood Mogul supplies you with a total 300 titles and the <009> and <026> for each, for the three categories listed above. From this list, the 30 titles are available each month. At the end of the month, some are replaced with new titles, some titles carry over into the next <001>,
Continued from 3
|Total Writer(s) Cost|
This is the total cost of all the <205> who have worked on this project.
This section of the Development Department concerns the acting <208> required to tell the story.
|Starring Roles|
Select the this to set the <187>.
|Supporting Roles|
Select the this to set the <188>.
|Minor Characters|
Select the this to set the <030>.
|Cameo Roles|
Select the this to set the <119>.
Select this to set the <199>. Select this to set the <200> and the <201>.
Select any of these four lines to set the <146>.
Continued from 45
|See Project Information|
Select this for a quick reminder about the project's Title, <009>, <031>, <102>, and <146>.
|Sorting The Talent List|
The <121> has up to 200 names on it. This list may be sorted in the following ways:
|Display All Talent|
Select this to list all names.
|Sort By Salary|
Select this to sort the list with the highest paid name at the top of the list.
|Sort By Name|
Select this to sort the list by name (Hollywood Mogul sorts them by first name, so Tom Hartford comes after Tim Bushman).
|Limit List By Talent Rating|
Select the <175> you want, and only names with a <122> of that <175> or better will be listed.
|Limit List By Command Capability|
Select the <175> you want, and only a <117> or <133> with a <128> of that <175> or better will be listed.
|Limit List By On Time / On Budget|
Select the <175> you want, and only a <117> or <133> with an <129> of that <175> or better will be listed.
Continued from 192 |Limit List By Visionary|
Select the <175> you want, and only a <117> or <133> with a <130> of that <175> or better will be listed.
|Limit List By Ego|
Select the <175> you want, and only an <131> or <132> with an <124> of that <175> or better will be listed.
|Limit List By Screen Presence|
Select the <175> you want, and only an <131> or <132> with a <125> of that <175> or better will be listed.
|Limit List By Sex Appeal|
Select the <175> you want, and only an <131> or <132> with a <126> of that <175> or better will be listed.
|Limit List By Work Ethic|
Select the <175> you want, and only a <075> with a <127> of that <175> or better will be listed.
|Limit List By Age|
List only the names of <075> who fall into this age bracket.
|Limit List By Genre Work|
Select |Include All Genres| to list everyone.
Select |Best Work In This Genre| to list only <075> who have this <031> listed as the <031> in which they do their best work.
Continued from 193 Select |Wants To Try This Genre| to list only <075> who have this <031> listed as the <031> in which they would like to make a name for themselves.
|Limit List By Box Office Grosses|
Select this to list only those <075> who have had a <107> of this dollar amount (or more) in at least one of their last three movies.
When a name is select from the "Talent List", the talent record is displayed on the left side of the screen.
On either side of the talent record name is their <122>. Below that is their biography, followed by their age.
|Rank / Salary / Points|
This line shows the person's rank. The <105> are ranked by <171>. Their normal asking <171> is displayed, as well as the number of <172> they feel they are entitled to.
|Characteristic Traits|
For <062> and <063>, this will be <124>, <125>, <126>, and <127>.
For a <117> or <133>, this will be <128>, <129>, <130>, and <127>.
Continued from 194
|Genre Work|
This is the type of <031> the person is best known for, and the type of <031> they would like to work in.
|Last 3 Box Office Grosses|
This is the <107> from their last three movies.
|See Photograph|
Hollywood Mogul comes with a utility application (called |HMCHANGE.EXE|) that allows you to change the names of all the <075> in the game. And, if you wish, you can attach a bitmap (.BMP) image to each record. If you have done that, then you may select this line to display the image.
|Send Over Screenplay|
Select this if you you want to <115> the currently selected <075> on the Talent List.
Select this when you are ready to return to your office.
Hire Writer For First Draft Screenplay This project does not have a <100> so you must <115> a <027> and cannot <115> a <087>.
Also, because there is no <100> there are no <102>, so you do not have a choice as to the <209>, and of course the <210> is a <100>.
Hire A Writer ... Both
|Hire New Talent|
Select this to discover a new writer.
|Writer List|
Depending on the selection made in the "Writer To Hire" section of the screen, this is a list of each <027> or <087> that is available in the current game of Hollywood Mogul. Select any name on the list to see the writer's record.
The list may be sorted in the following ways:
|Display All|
Select this to display all names on the list.
|Limit List By Genre Work|
Select |List All Genres| to include all writers. Select |Best Work In This Genre| to list only those writers who feel their best work is done in the <031> that this movie project falls into. Select |Wants To Try This Genre| to list all writers who would like to try writing in this <031>.
|Limit List By Box Office Grosses|
Select a dollar amount that represents a <107> and list only writers who have had a box office gross of that amount or higher in at least one of their last three movies.
Continued From: 197 |Limit List By Specialty|
The <123> of <205> is different than the other <075>. A <025> has up to eight <102> (<092>, <093>, <094>, <095>, <096>, <097>, <098>, and <099>).
The <205> have four <123>, the first three are their <175> in <209> areas in which they excel. The fourth trait, for all <205>, is their <175> for a <090>.
All <205> are considered to have an "average", 3-star ( * * * ) <175> for any of the <102> that are not mentioned in their talent record (which is displayed on the left side of the screen, and is discussed below).
So when you are trying to determine which of the <205> to <115>, you may sort the Writer List by their <175> for individual (or combinations of) <102> in order to find a person who fits the needs of your <210>.
When you select the various sorting criterion, the Writer List will display those that fit all of the sorting selections you have made.
Continued From: 198
|Character Arc|
Limit the Writer List to those who have a <175> for <092> equal to (or higher than) your selection.
|Character Development|
Limit the Writer List to those who have a <175> for <093> equal to (or higher than) your selection.
|Plot / Plot Twists|
Limit the Writer List to those who have a <175> for <094> equal to (or higher than) your selection.
Limit the Writer List to those who have a <175> for <095> equal to (or higher than) your selection.
|Script Pace|
Limit the Writer List to those who have a <175> for <096> equal to (or higher than) your selection.
|Story Intelligence|
Limit the Writer List to those who have a <175> for <097> equal to (or higher than) your selection.
|Genre Elements|
Limit the Writer List to those who have a <175> for <098> equal to (or higher than) your selection.
|Sub-Genre Elements|
Limit the Writer List to those who have a <175> for <099> equal to (or higher than) your selection.
Continued From: 199
|Script Polish|
Limit the Writer List to those who have a <175> for a <090> equal to (or higher than) your selection.
|The Writer Record|
The talent record for each of the <205> selected on the Writer List, is displayed on the left side of the screen. It starts with the Name of the writer, and extends down to the dollar amounts listed below "Last 3 Box Office Grosses".
The name of the writer selected has on each side of it their overall <122>. Below that is their biography. Next comes the |Salary / Points| that they are accustomed to. This is their normal <171> for a <100> and their <172>.
The actual <171> they will charge is based on your <210> selection, which is discussed below in the section titled |Delivery Date / Writing Fee|).
Next comes their <123>. And as you know, these are different from the other <075> in that they reflect the <175> of specific <102>.
Continued From: 200
|Genre Work|
This displays the <031> which they feel they do their best work in, and the <031> which they would like to try working in.
|Last 3 Box Office Grosses|
This is the last line of the talent record. It shows the <107> for their last three movies. If they have a $0 amount, it means they have not had three movies <136>.
|Writing Required|
The <210> section of the screen is where you authorize the type of work you want done. If there is no <100>, then this will be pre-set by Hollywood Mogul as "First Draft Screenplay". Otherwise, this will display "Not Selected Yet" until you make a selection.
|Work Required|
The <209> section of the screen allows you to specify which particular <102> you wish the writer to concentrate on improving. Select any of the <102> you wish, and that line becomes <055>. To de-select it, simply select it again. If a project has no <032>, then access to <099> is denied.
Continued From: 201
If you have selected <198> in the <210> section above, then all of the <102> will be <055>, as that is what is required.
|Delivery Date / Writing Fee|
The different <210> selections require a different amount of time to complete. The "Delivery Date" is the approximate date in which the writer feels he or she can deliver the completed <025> based on the <210> and the <209>.
A <100> and a <198> generally take about four months to complete, a <089> takes about two months to complete, and a <090> can usually be done in one month.
The Fee the writer charges is a percentage of their normal <171>, based on the <210>. A <100> and <198> are full <171>, the other writing types are lesser amounts.
|Hire This Writer|
Select this to <115> the currently selected name on the Writer List.
Unlike the other <075>, who are not paid until the start of <081>, <205> are paid immediately, and that cost is reflected in the project's <211>.
Continued from: 202
If you decide you do not want to <115> a writer, select this to be returned to the Development Department.
Continued from: 190 Hollywood Mogul also comes with a utility application (|HMCHANGE.EXE|) that allows you to change the title, <009>, and <026> for each of the titles in all three categories. In addition, you may add up to 200 additional titles of your own choosing in each category. Select |Hollywood Mogul Overview| at the top of this help screen for information on starting |HMCHANGE.EXE|.
To purchase the <212> to the available <007>, select the category you wish to see.
An <088> has the advantage of already being a completed <025> and can therefore be put into <167> earlier. A <084> requires a <100>, but it has the advantage of being a known entity in the public, after all, it is the public that has made the novel a blockbuster hit. A <085> also requires a <100>, and also has the advantage of being a known entity in the public's eye. So the choice you make in selecting <007> may depend on a <053> you already have in mind.
|Purchasing The Motion Picture Rights|
Continued From: 204 Select any of the three categories that are available. The list fills with the available titles in that category.
This list can be sorted by <031>-type. Below the <007> list, is a list of the different types of <031> supported in Hollywood Mogul. These <031> types are available for selection, only if at least one of that particular type of <031> is found in this month's list of available titles. (For example, is there are no titles with a <031> of <033>, access to that sort selection will be denied).
|The Source Material Record|
Along the right side of the screen is the record for this title. It tells you everything about the title you have selected on the list.
It displays the Title, as well as the <009>. It displays the <031>, and the various <026> (<187>, <188>, and <030>). It displays the <146>, and the <213>.
|Overall Coverage|
This is the basic <175> for the title, it is an average of the <102> <175>.
|Buy This Property|
Select this if you wish to purchase the <212> to this title.
Continued From: 205
When you are finished, select this to return to your office.
Continued from: 47
|Studio Administration|
Select |Change Studio Name| if you would like to change the name of the studio.
Select |Studio Departments| to get a complete breakdown on the various departments which make up your Hollywood Movie Studio.
|Leave The Office|
Select this when you are finished working for this <001>.
New Post-Production Edit Complete The <148> session you authorized is complete and a new <197> has been done. Page 1 Rewrite Ordered You have selected <198> as your <210>, as a result you cannot change the <209>, as everything will be rewritten. No First Draft Screenplay This project does not yet have a <100>, so you cannot change the <210> or the <209>. Writing Required Not Selected Yet You cannot <115> a <027> or <087> until the <210> has been selected. Work Required Not Selected Yet You cannot <115> a <027> or <087> until you have selected the <209>. Cannot Sort List No matches were found for the sort criteria you have selected. The search criteria will be reset to the last values. Change Utility The Hollywood Mogul Change Utility allows you to change most all of the text that is displayed in the game.
|Change Or Add Original Screenplays|
Select this to change the title, <009>, <031>, <032>, <187>, and/or <188> to any of the 300 <088> records included with Hollywood Mogul. In addition, you may add up to an additional 700 <088> records.
|Change Or Add Novels|
Select this to change the title, <009>, <031>, <032>, <187>, and/or <188> to any of the 300 <084> records included with Hollywood Mogul. In addition, you may add up to an additional 700 <084> records.
|Change Or Add Stage Plays|
Select this to change the title, <009>, <031>, <032>, <187>, and/or <188> to any of the 300 <085> records included with Hollywood Mogul. In addition, you may add up to an additional 700 <085> records.
Continued from: 214
|Change Actors|
Select this to change the name, biography, and/or age of any <131> record in Hollywood Mogul.
|Change Actresses|
Select this to change the name, biography, and/or age of any <132> record in Hollywood Mogul.
|Change Directors|
Select this to change the name, biography, and/or age of any <117> record in Hollywood Mogul.
|Change Producers|
Select this to change the name, biography, and/or age of any <133> record in Hollywood Mogul.
|Change Screenwriters|
Select this to change the name, biography, and/or age of any <027> record in Hollywood Mogul.
|Change Rewrite Specialists|
Select this to change the name, biography, and/or age of any <087> record in Hollywood Mogul.
|Change Other Studio Names|
Select this to change the names of the other studios in Hollywood Mogul.
|Change Award Text|
Select this to change the text associated with the annual Awards ceremony.
|Change Film Rating Text|
Select this to change the text displayed for rating a film.
Continued from: 215
|Change Agent Names|
Select this to change the names of the 30 agents used in Hollywood Mogul.
Hollywood Mogul chooses first and last names at random when displaying the credits during a <155> and also during the Award ceremony (to represent the talent nominated at other studios). You may change any of these names by selecting the last five choices on this screen.
|Male| names are use with Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor. |Female| names are used for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress. Either name ( |Both| ) is used for Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, Best Screenplay Adaptation, as well as the credit sequence during a <155>. |Last| names are used in all situations. Changing A Source Record The left side of the screen displays a list of the 1000 records that Hollywood Mogul supports for either <088>, <084>, or <085> (depending on what you've selected).
When you select a title from the list, its <009>, <031>, <032>, <187>, and <188> are displayed on the right side of the screen, along with the option to |Make Change|. Select this if you wish to make a change to the record.
|Adding A New Record|
Hollywood Mogul comes with 300 records for <088>, <084>, and <085>. You may add up to 700 additional records for each. Select |Add A New...| to add an additional record.
A good reference for writing a <009> is your local TV listings guide, the movie section generally has a good <009> description.
|SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this if you want to SAVE your changes.
|DO NOT SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this is you DO NOT want to save your changes. Change Title Type the new title, remember to use upper and lower case (Title not TITLE or title). Then press Enter.
If you do not want the title to change, just press Enter. Change Storyline Type the new <009>, remember to use upper and lower case (Storyline not STORYLINE or storyline). Then press Enter.
If you do not want the <009> to change, just press Enter. Genre Select the <031>. Sub-Genre Select the <032>. Starring Role(s) Select the <187>. Supporting Role(s) Select the <188>. Change Talent Hollywood Mogul supplies you with 100 records for each of the <075> used in the game. During the course of a game, you may add additional talent.
The left side of the screen displays the 100 records for the <075> you have selected to change. Select any name on the list.
Their name, biography, age, <171>, and <172> are displayed on the right side of the screen.
You cannot change the <171> or <172> in a talent record.
|Make Change|
Select this to make a change to the record.
|See Photograph|
If a graphic image is associated with the selected talent record, you may view the image.
|Add Photograph|
Select this to attach a .BMP image to a talent record. This is then viewable while playing Hollywood Mogul.
|SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this if you want to SAVE your changes.
|DO NOT SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this is you DO NOT want to save your changes. Talent Name Type in the new name, remember to use upper and lower case (John not JOHN or john). Then press Enter.
If you do not want to change the name, just press Enter. Talent Biography Type in the new biography. Then press Enter.
If you do not want the biography to change, press Enter. Talent Age Choose the age.
Press the Left Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the age by one year.
Press the Right Mouse Button to increase (+) or decrease (-) the age by ten years.
When you are finished, select |X|. Change Studio Names Hollywood Mogul includes six other Hollywood movie studios. You may change their names to any name you prefer.
To make a change, select the studio name you want to change.
|SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this if you want to SAVE your changes.
|DO NOT SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this is you DO NOT want to save your changes. Studio Name Type in the new studio name. Remember to use upper and lower case (Studio not STUDIO or studio). When you are done, press Enter.
If you do not want to change the name of the studio, just press Enter. Award Ceremony Text This is the text that is displayed with the annual Awards in Hollywood Mogul.
The first line is the name of the auditorium where the awards are held.
The second line is the name of the awards themselves.
The third line is the nickname for the award statue.
|SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this if you want to SAVE your changes.
|DO NOT SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this is you DO NOT want to save your changes. New Award Text Type in the next text. Remember to use upper and lower case (Text not TEXT or text). Then press Enter.
If you do not want to change the text, just press Enter. Film Rating Text This is the text that is used to display the rating each film is given. Select the text you want to change.
|SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this if you want to SAVE your changes.
|DO NOT SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this is you DO NOT want to save your changes. New Film Rating Text Type in the text you want displayed to represent a film's rating. Then press Enter.
If you do not want to change the text, just press Enter. Agent Names Hollywood Mogul includes the names of 30 agent which represent the <075> in the game. You may change these names to any you prefer by selecting the name(s) from the list.
|SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this if you want to SAVE your changes.
|DO NOT SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this is you DO NOT want to save your changes. New Agent Name Type in the full name of the agent. This may include a middle name. Then press Enter. Remember to use both upper and lower case (John Brown not JOHN BROWN or john brown).
If you do not want to change the name, just press Enter. First Names (MALE) These names are used when Hollywood Mogul randomly selects names for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor during the annual awards.
There are 100 names displayed, select the name you want to change. You cannot duplicate names.
|SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this if you want to SAVE your changes.
|DO NOT SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this is you DO NOT want to save your changes. New First Name (MALE) Type in the MALE name you want, then press Enter. Remember to use both upper and lower case (John not JOHN or john).
If you do not want to change the name, just press Enter.
You will be informed if the name you've entered is already on the list. You will have to choose a different name, or keep the one that was previously displayed (by just pressing Enter). First Names (FEMALE) These names are used when Hollywood Mogul randomly selects names for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress during the annual awards.
There are 100 names displayed, select the name you want to change. You cannot duplicate names.
|SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this if you want to SAVE your changes.
|DO NOT SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this is you DO NOT want to save your changes. New First Name (FEMALE) Type in the FEMALE name you want, then press Enter. Remember to use both upper and lower case (Sue not SUE or sue).
If you do not want to change the name, just press Enter.
You will be informed if the name you've entered is already on the list. You will have to choose a different name, or keep the one that was previously displayed (by just pressing Enter). First Names (MALE AND FEMALE) These names are used when Hollywood Mogul randomly selects names for Best Director and Best Screenplay, Best Screenplay Adaptation, during the annual awards, as well as the names used during the credits before a <155>.
There are 100 names displayed, select the name you want to change. You cannot duplicate names.
|SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this if you want to SAVE your changes.
|DO NOT SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this is you DO NOT want to save your changes. New First Names (MALE AND FEMALE) Type in the MALE or FEMALE name you want, then press Enter. Remember to use both upper and lower case (John not JOHN or john).
If you do not want to change the name, just press Enter.
You will be informed if the name you've entered is already on the list. You will have to choose a different name, or keep the one that was previously displayed (by just pressing Enter). Last Names These names are used when Hollywood Mogul randomly selects any name used in the game (during the annual awards, during the credits before a <155>).
There are 200 names displayed, select the name you want to change. You cannot duplicate names.
|SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this if you want to SAVE your changes.
|DO NOT SAVE and Return To Main Screen|
Select this is you DO NOT want to save your changes. New Last Name Type in the name you want, then press Enter. Remember to use both upper and lower case (Smith not SMITH or smith).
If you do not want to change the name, just press Enter.
You will be informed if the name you've entered is already on the list. You will have to choose a different name, or keep the one that was previously displayed (by just pressing Enter). See How Easy That Was? Welcome to Hollywood Mogul, the computer strategy game where you run your own Hollywood Movie Studio.
If you've never played before, or are unsure of how the game is played, |Hint| will walk you through each step of the game. Within the game menus, any text in <214> will accept a |mouse click| even this <215> (try it). Text that is |this color| calls special attention to something on the menu. Specify CD-ROM Drive Letter Hollywood Mogul cannot find the Hollywood Mogul CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive that was specified during setup. If you have changed the location of your CD-ROM drive, please type in the correct drive letter (for example |D| or |E|), and then press Enter.
If you do not have the Hollywood Mogul CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive, please do that now, and just press enter.
The Studio Fanfare The Studio Fanfare is the music that plays while the studio's name is displayed on the silver screen at the beginning of each World Premiere. It is the studio's musical logo or signature.
|The .WAV Files In The List|
These are the fanfare .wav files on the Hollywood Mogul CD-ROM written by Richard DeVuono, copyright 1997. Select one you would like to hear.
|Play Current Studio Fanfare|
This plays the current studio fanfare file that is kept on your hard drive (in the game directory |\File_Fan|).
|Play Selected Fanfare File|
This plays the .wav file you have selected from the list.
|Stop Music|
This stops the .wav file from playing.
|Use This .WAV As Studio Fanfare|
Select this to copy the selected .wav file from the list to the game directory |\File_Fan\Fanfare.wav| on your hard drive.
|Exit, Keep Current Studio Fanfare|
Select this if you do not want to change the studio fanfare file.
Continued from: 246
If you have a .wav file that you like that is less than thirteen seconds in length, you may include it by copying to be |fanfare.wav| and placing it in the game directory |\File_Fan|.
Hollywood Mogul CD-ROM You cannot play Hollywood Mogul without the CD-ROM or a fatal error will halt execution.